Content Marketing Is The Only True Marketing

Israel Soliz
3 min readJul 18, 2022

I am a marketer. I tell people that I am a Freelance Writer but in actuality, I am a marketer.

Most of my writing is for clients who want to sell more stuff. I write persuasive blog posts to get readers to want their product or service and buy from my clients. In a way, I am a marketing gun for hire.

I fell in love with content marketing years ago because I was broke and couldn’t afford to buy ads for my affiliate marketing offers. I had to find a cheap or free way to get traffic to my offers. And that is when I discovered content marketing.

The Big Boys Are Already In The Content Game

According to HubSpot, 78% of all major companies already have a dedicated content marketing specialist on the payroll. If they are doing it don’t you think you should be, too?

Couple that with the fact that 70% of ALL marketers are investing in content marketing and you can see how important it is for your business.

Most consumers have trained themselves to ignore traditional, interruptive advertising. It’s simply a nuisance they must get past to see what they really want. When was the last time you watched a complete ad on YouTube? You probably can’t even remember.



Israel Soliz

Affiliate marketer by trade. I write about Mind, Body, and Business